We went to Pine Point Beach with the whole first grade. We went beach combing and we found shells, crab legs, driftwood, a whole crab, lots of different seaweed, and feathers. Natasha became an expert at finding razor clams, and Dakota became an expert at finding whole sand dollars. We saw barnacles on the rocks, rocks, seagulls, someone fishing, big waves and small waves, and the tide line. The tide was going out and we learned how to tell that. Alanna made a sand castle with drips. Jase, Hunter, and Daniel wrote their names in the sand. Laney, Brooke and Emma wrote in the sand and drew pictures in the sand. We dug tunnels and made the water go into different places. We dug big, deep, holes too. We went wading up to our ankles. The water was a lot warmer than we expected. It was an awesome day!